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Massage for menopause

Benefits of Massage for Women in Menopause


  • Headache relief

  • Tension release

  • Reduced aches and pains

  • Improved connection to the body

  • Reduced Hot flushes

  • Reduced insomnia

  • Reduced bloating

  • Reduced Anxiety

  • Improve Hormone Imbalance

  • Improve Mood

  • Improve Circulation

  • Reduced Brain Fog



The difference between Massage for Menopause and Traditional Massage?


  • The massage for menopause Is a mixture of massage techniques, Swedish, oncology and acupressure, and is a deeply relaxing massage which will work with the nervous system and the endocrine system to try and reduce your symptoms.

  • The use of aromatherapy oils, for balancing hormones, uplifting and balancing mood.

  • Acupressure to counteract hormone imbalances

  • Acupressure plaster to stimulate the acupressure point in between treatments


What Is acupressure and how does it work?


Acupressure originated in ancient China. It showed superior therapeutic potential against numerous disease conditions. 

In acupressure, muscular tension is released by applying pressure with the hand, or pressure of the thumbs on specific points to balance the flow of the physiological energy.

Acupressure resembles reflexology; however in reflexology therapeutic response is obtained by working on a predetermined reflex zone.

Acupressure demands application of physical pressure on acupoints which are positioned along the meridians. Meridians are the channels within the human body which helps to maintain Qi and thus, steadiness of health condition. Each meridian is connected to various organs and tissues of the human body. Activation of specific points on the meridian by pressure facilitates pain reduction at the local site and also reduces the pain from other parts of the body.

It is considered a useful strategy for the management of multiple symptoms, along with beneficial physical comforts.

As a whole, acupressure is a manually operated, needle-free, non-invasive and a non-pharmacological healing intervention to promote clients' well-being.

By working on specific acupressure points, we can help re-balance hormones, Improve mood, Insomnia and anxiety.


How can Aromatherapy oils help?


Essential oils are plant based, and some contain phytoestrogens. These are plant based substances that behave in a similar way to the estrogen Hormone.


Essential oils containing phytoestrogens can help balance hormones and relieve common symptoms such as:

  • Mood changes

  • Hot flushes

  • Relaxation

  • Mood

  • Anxiety



Best aromatherapy oils for Menopausal Symptoms:


  • Evening Primrose oil: Increases Estrogen

  • Rosemary oil: Improves cognitive function, Improves concentration and clears the mind

  • Lavender oil: Promotes relaxation and sleep

  • Geranium oil: Helps manage mood swings

  • Basil oil: Contains an Estrogen hormone-like-component

  • Peppermint oil: Reduced hot flushes and Increased focus

  • Clary sage oil: another one for hot flushes


Acupressure plaster


This is simply a magnet with a plaster over the top to keep it in place.


How does It work?

It works by applying constant stimulation to a specific acupressure point. It is traditionally used In chinese medicine for clearing heat.


It draws qi and blood to the area, working with the body's energy channels to release symptoms.


You should wear these in between treatments. A plaster will be provided for you as part of the treatment.


They are fast acting, natural, evidence based and verified by real women.


Please notify me if you are allergic to plasters.


Massage for Menopause Aftercare advice


After your massage for menopause treatment you should expect to be feeling a relief from stress & from muscle tension, an improved mood, better sleep and a general sense of well-being. 

Massage can move toxins around the body, so you should support yourself in the 24-48 hours following your treatment by taking life more gently than usual - do not attempt any overly strenuous activity, drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and also avoid caffeine & alcohol. 

Try to allow the oils to sit on your skin for as long as possible so that the benefits of your chosen blend are allowed to have their maximum effect. Do not sunbathe during this time, some essential oils are photo-toxic and can cause the skin to burn.

Your acupressure magnet plaster will need changing every few days, remove the plaster from the magnet, and replace with a new plaster over your magnet. 


Things you can do to help your symptoms:



Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol, spicy foods & smoking.

Exercise regularly

Take evening Primrose tablets or apply essential oil

Wear light clothing

Healthy diet.

Acupressure points:

Press down on your acupressure points as taught by your therapist, at least twice per day. Massage each point for 2-5 minutes.

Keep a diary of your symptoms, so you can see your improvements.Have a regular Massage for Menopause.

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